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Agenda Item

12 16-0698 Subject: Progress Of Implementation To Aid Homeless Individuals Residing In Oakland From: Councilmember Kalb Recommendation: Receive A Report And Refer Select Recommendations For Addressing Health, Safety And Services Related To Street Homelessness For Funding Consideration In The City's Biennial FY 2017-2019 Budget Deliberations

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    John Sander over 7 years ago

    I am John Sander of 12th & Pine St, West Oakland.
    Concerned about Wood Street from 7th St to Emeryville

    Homeless encampments on Wood Street and throughout the Prescott neighborhood.
    Deplorable conditions & threats to public health & safety.
    Trash accumulating in these encampments.
    $250k annual budget to deal with homelessness is not enough to address the epidemic that is plaguing Oakland. We need much more funding and strong City leadership.
    We need a Homelessness Czar to solve the problem.
    This will only get worse if it is not dealt with now!

    I'm in support of enacting the recommendations in this report.

    John Sander
    Resident and Property Owner