Meeting Time: February 28, 2017 at 1:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

16-0709 2. An Ordinance, As Recommended By The City Planning Commission, (A) Amending The Development Agreement By And Between City Of Oakland And MacArthur Transit Community Partners, LLC Regarding The Property And Project Known As "MacArthur Transit Village" To Allow For Increased Height On Parcel B, And (B) Relying On The 2008 MacArthur Station Project Environmental Impact Report And Addenda, Finding That No Additional Environmental Review Is Needed Pursuant To California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Sections 15162-15164, 15168 And 15180, 15183, And 15183.3 And Adopting Related CEQA Findings, For Parcel B, Located At 532-391th Street, Oakland, Ca (Assessor Parcel Numbers 012 102501100 And 012 102501200)

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    Richard Foxall over 7 years ago

    The prior plan from 2008 should remain in place. Revision is improper. No revision should be considered without new EIR.

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    Ann OConnor over 7 years ago

    I oppose this special ordinance for a particular developer to ignore zoning. This process is highly suspect. Relying on a 9 year old EIR is inappropriate, the area has changed in the invervening time e.g. in population, traffic including traffic flow and climate. The old EIR primarily addressed the impact of the previously approved 8 story building with no thorough study of a 24 story building. This process ignores the community input and disrespects the neighborhoods.

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    Clea Matson over 7 years ago

    Copied from the previous item 16-0708: I am in favor of development, but I oppose this revision of the existing plan because the impact to the surrounding community has not been fully considered. If getting something built quickly is an issue, there is an approved plan from 2008 that the community, developers, and the City spent time and effort to agree upon, and which would add up to 250 new units to the site. If the City and developers want to increase density, then they need to spend the time and take part in the process to fully consider the impact to the community. These extreme revisions to the project have the potential to have great impacts, both environmental and economic, on the existing residents and community. If density is the goal, please push these developers to be more creative and come up with a plan that can increase density in a way that supports the growth of our community, rather than disregarding it. Existing residents do not oppose development, just the tower.