Meeting Time: December 08, 2016 at 10:45am PST
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Agenda Item

4.5 16-0519 Subject: Informational Report On Unpermitted Residences In Commercial Spaces From: Council President Gibson McElhaney, President Pro Tempore Reid, and Councilmember Gallo Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From The City Administrator Examining The Issue Of Residents Living In Unpermitted Commercial Or Industrial Spaces Which Includes Information On Health And Safety Risks, A Review Of Potential Policy Responses, And An Analysis Of Options To Create A Pathway To Legal Occupancy That Reduces The Risk Of Displacing Current Residents; As Soon As Possible On The Community And Economic Development Committee Agenda

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    Jessica Allard almost 8 years ago

    Please help protect the residents in these spaces. It is unfair of the city to have neglected them for so many years and then create a climate where they are evicted. These citizens must be protected. Please schedule this report. If they are evicted they may up in a more dangerous environment like the street.

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    Bruce Krysiak almost 8 years ago

    Please keep the soul of Oakland vibrant as well as safe by finding solutions to allow creative and artistic residential and entertainment uses of industrial and other spaces to continue, to allow artists to explore alternative living arrangements, and to provide spaces for music and performance art to thrive. My experiences in artistic warehouses and similar spaces have been highlights of my time in the Bay Area - please help facilitate that tradition continuing for new generations of artists, residents, and guests. Thank you for fostering and contributing to the rich cultural tapestry of Oakland and the SF Bay Area.

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    Laura Baron almost 8 years ago

    No more Artists should loose their homes. I support An Analysis Of Options To Create A Pathway To Legal Occupancy That Reduces The Risk Of Displacing Current Residents; As Soon As Possible

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    david wolfgangkimball almost 8 years ago

    PLease schedule this informational report immediately. The City Administrator must reach out to artist communities to determine methods for legalization. Artist communities are already receiving eviction notices and the City needs to act immediately. In the current climate, these people could easily wind up on the street, irrevocably destroying their lives and livelihood, and further adding to Oakland's burdens. Please act quickly.

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    Allison Vanderslice almost 8 years ago

    Thank you for requesting this informational report. I urge you to schedule this report as soon as possible as artists are already being evicted from their homes and community spaces. Please reach out to artist communities for their input on pathways to legal occupancy. Please move to action as soon as possible in order to save our art communities that add so much to our unique and beautiful City. Action is needed immediately.