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Agenda Item

14 15-1285 Subject: Ordinances Amending Chapters 5.80 and 5.81 - Cannabis From: The Oakland Diversity And Equity Cannabis Coalition Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1) An Ordinance Amending Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 5.80, Medical Cannabis Dispensary Permits, To Refine The Equity Permit Program; And

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    Rebecca Byars about 8 years ago


    I am the co-founder of a small cannabis topicals company, a licensed business in Oakland since Spring 2014. I'm writing to request that topicals companies not be held to the cottage industry requirements that cannabis edibles are held to. The products we make are applied to the skin only and are not ingested. If we're held to the standards of the cottage food industry we would be required to utilize food-grade equipment in a commercial kitchen and be overseen by a food inspector - none of which apply to skin care production in any context. We believe those requirements present an undue hardship by enforcing food manufacturing standards to skin care goods.

    We respectfully request that the City allow topical companies to continue producing products in the home, and not be held to standards intended for food products. We want to stay in Oakland, if possible.

    Thank you for your consideration of our request.

    Rebecca Byars & Alice Worland
    FM Therapy, Inc.