9.4 15-1050 Subject: Head Royce School Appeal
From: Planning and Building Department
Recommendation: Conduct A Public Hearing And Upon Conclusion Adopt A Resolution Denying Appeal #REV13003-A01 And Upholding The Decision Of The City Planning Commission To 1) Legalize The School's Current Student Enrollment; 2) Revise Previously Approved Condition Of Approval #39 To Allow The Final Student Enrollment Increase Before January 4, 2021; 3) Revise The Previously Approved Conditions Of Approval; 4) Approve The Transportation Demand Management Program; And Affirm The Environmental Determination Pursuant To CEQA Guidelines Section 15314, Minor Additions To Schools; Section 15183, Projects Consistent With A Community Plan, General Plan Or Zoning, And Reliance On The Mitigated Negative Declaration Adopted By The Planning Commission On January 4, 2006