Meeting Time: January 26, 2016 at 1:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6 15-0486 Subject: PolicyLink Professional Services Agreement RFP/Q Waiver From: Housing & Community Development Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Waiving The Formal Request For Proposal/Qualification Solicitation Requirement For A Professional Services Agreement In The Amount Of $50,000 With Policylink For The Oakland Sustainable Neighborhood Initiative

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    David Denton over 8 years ago

    The funds for this contract come from a restricted grant from the State of California for the Transit Oriented Development of International Blvd. However in this contract, Policylink is being compensated for work on the Housing Roadmap, which affects properties citywide and is outside the scope of the grant.

    The Roadmap was developed privately by Policylink without broad community input. No property owners participated in the Policylink's process. It is not a City of Oakland initiative although Policylink used the City's logo.

    Furthermore, Policylink is not an approved vendor by the State for participation in this grant. Where is the completed work referenced in the Report?

    There are so many irregularities described in the Report, that council should refer this to the Auditor for an impartial review and ask the State of California for an audit of this grant to determine the eligibility of this contract.