Meeting Time: January 12, 2016 at 11:30am PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4 15-0360 Subject: Waste Management's Zero-Waste "PushPull" Rates For Multi-Family Buildings From: Councilmember Kalb And Vice Mayor Kaplan Recommendation: Receive A Status Report and Recommendations On Efforts And Strategies To Reduce Zero-Waste 'PushPull' Service Costs For Multi-Family Buildings, Including Information Provided By Waste Management Of Alameda County

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    Ruth Treisman almost 9 years ago

    Please do not allow Waste Management to charge more money for the job they have been paid to do for many years, and often do not do well. I have sent them two emails since they raised the rates in October to explain that my building is on the block between MacArthur BART and a heavily-used bus stop, including two-part buses. If I were to leave my dumpster out on the sidewalk or in the street it would be a liability for me and for them.

    They sent someone to measure the distance from my dumpster area to the driveway--this isn't the question at all. I sent them another email to restate the liability issue. So far they have ignored me, and continue to charge for something that I cannot do safely, and they have decided not to do any more...Please stop their greed and non-responsiveness.

    Thank you for considering my request.

    Yours truly,

    Ruth Ellen Treisman
    owner, 505-40th St
    Oakland 94609