11 14-0787 Subject: Broadway/MacArthur/San Pablo Bond Spending Plan Amendment & Grant
From: Economic & Workforce Development Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Designee To (1) Accept Excess Bond Proceeds In The Amount Of $1,357,000 Received From The Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency ("ORSA") Under The Bond Expenditure Agreement Entered Into November 8, 2013, By And Between The City Of Oakland (The "City") And ORSA; (2) Amend The Broadway/Macarthur/San Pablo Bond Spending Plan To (A) Appropriate And Allocate Such Bond Proceeds To Projects And/Or Programs And (B) Re-Appropriate And Reallocate Excess Bond Proceeds In The Amount Of $100,000 Previously Listed And Committed In The Approved Bond Spending Plan To Other Bond-Eligible Projects And/Or Programs; (3) Enter Into A Grant Agreement With Macarthur Transit Community Partners, LLC ("MTCP"), To Provide A Grant In The Amount Of $541,613.26 To Fund Additional Streetscape Improvements At West Macarthur Boulevard; And (4) Adopt Appropriate CEQA Findings